
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter

Esprit de l´encyclopédie 1822 in 15 volumes

Esprit de l´encyclopédie 1822 in 15 volumes

Horapollo´s Selecta hieroglyphia 1606

Horapollo´s Selecta hieroglyphia 1606

Ancient Oriental and Asian Alphabets 1763

Ancient Oriental and Asian Alphabets 1763

Palomares Arte nueva de escribir 1776

Palomares Arte nueva de escribir 1776

Schindler´s Lexicon pentaglotton 1653

Schindler´s Lexicon pentaglotton 1653

Bifolium 13-14th c. mentioning king Olav of Norway

Bifolium 13-14th c. mentioning king Olav of Norway

Medieval manuscript on vellum c. 1450-1500

Medieval manuscript on vellum c. 1450-1500

Peter Lombard decorated manuscript Germany c .1430

Peter Lombard decorated manuscript Germany c .1430

Leaf from Balbus Catholicon Strassburg 1470

Leaf from Balbus Catholicon Strassburg 1470

5 leaves from Speculum naturale 1486

5 leaves from Speculum naturale 1486

Fragment ur Graduale Arosiense 1493

Fragment ur Graduale Arosiense 1493

Ur Breviarium Upsalense 1496

Ur Breviarium Upsalense 1496