
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 6

Printed Livre d´heures on vellum 1500

Printed Livre d´heures on vellum 1500

Zwingli´s Ein göttlich vermanung... 1522

Zwingli´s Ein göttlich vermanung... 1522

Antiphonar 18th c. in an impressive binding

Antiphonar 18th c. in an impressive binding

Sculptured silver binding 18th century

Sculptured silver binding 18th century

Band av hovbokbindare Christoph Schneidler

Band av hovbokbindare Christoph Schneidler

Niedling´s Haus- und Kirchen-Buch 1663

Niedling´s Haus- und Kirchen-Buch 1663

Binding for madame de Pompadour 1752

Binding for madame de Pompadour 1752

Binding Reflections sur... Jesus-Christ

Binding Reflections sur... Jesus-Christ

Reinold´s Israels Weyrauchs-opffer 1673

Reinold´s Israels Weyrauchs-opffer 1673

Fore edge painting with Parisian motif

Fore edge painting with Parisian motif

Bellmans Fredmans epistlar + musik 1790 i original

Bellmans Fredmans epistlar + musik 1790 i original

Strindberg i band av Marlis Egli

Strindberg i band av Marlis Egli