
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter

Edwards´ Gleanings of Natural History 1758-64

Edwards´ Gleanings of Natural History 1758-64

Esper´s Die Schmetterlinge from 1777-1806

Esper´s Die Schmetterlinge from 1777-1806

Noisette, Le Jardin frutier 1839 with fine plates

Noisette, Le Jardin frutier 1839 with fine plates

Bauhin´s Pinax theatri botanici 1671

Bauhin´s Pinax theatri botanici 1671

Very important botanical work by Kaempfer 1712

Very important botanical work by Kaempfer 1712

Lochner, Heptas dissertationum ca 1715-20

Lochner, Heptas dissertationum ca 1715-20

Planscher ur Sparrmans Svensk ornithologie

Planscher ur Sparrmans Svensk ornithologie

Burmanns famous flora of Ceylon

Burmanns famous flora of Ceylon

On the discovery of the photosynthesis 1786-90

On the discovery of the photosynthesis 1786-90

Sundman om finska fågelägg från 1879

Sundman om finska fågelägg från 1879

Boccone on rare plants from Italy, France... 1674

Boccone on rare plants from Italy, France... 1674

Handbook of the Birds of the World complete

Handbook of the Birds of the World complete