
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter

Travels to and in China by Dapper 1670

Travels to and in China by Dapper 1670

On the Portuguese settlements in China

On the Portuguese settlements in China

Guignes´ Histoire générales des huns, des turcs

Guignes´ Histoire générales des huns, des turcs

Pallas´ Travels of the Russian Empire 1802-03

Pallas´ Travels of the Russian Empire 1802-03

Acerbi´s Travels in fine Rivière bindings

Acerbi´s Travels in fine Rivière bindings

Guigne´s Geschichte der Hunnen und Türken

Guigne´s Geschichte der Hunnen und Türken

Voyages in the Gulf of Finland - On the Baltic Sea

Voyages in the Gulf of Finland - On the Baltic Sea

Scarce description of Savoy and Piedmont in Italy

Scarce description of Savoy and Piedmont in Italy

Travels to and in China by Dapper 1670

Travels to and in China by Dapper 1670

Debes Faeroae islands 1676

Debes Faeroae islands 1676

Junghuhn´s Reisen durch Java with Atlas 1845

Junghuhn´s Reisen durch Java with Atlas 1845

On the history of Kurdistan from 1818 by Campanile

On the history of Kurdistan from 1818 by Campanile