Stockholm – Nybrogatan 32

A warm welcome to Nybrogatan 32! In our beautiful premises next to Östermalmstorg in Stockholm, exhibitions, auctions and interesting events are continuously held. Visit us for advice, viewings or just for a nice break in the world of the arts.

Nybrogatan 32
114 39 Stockholm

Client Service:
Monday–friday 9am–5pm
Phone +46 (0)8 453 67 50

Valuation and Client Service:

Opening hours:
Wednesday–Friday 10am–6pm

Friday 31 January closed

Our staff at Nybrogatan 32

Ulrika Ruding

Head of works of art department and specialist

Modern & Contemporary Decorative Art & Design

Johanna Lindholm Malm


Swedish and international contemporary art

Ulrica Tillander


Classic Art & Old Masters, older textiles and oriental carpets

Bertil Carlsson


Antique furniture and crafts

Christofer Wikner

Assistant specialist

Modern furniture, glas, ceramics and carpets

Our auction houses