Lochmaier printed in Hagenau 1498
Klubbat belopp | 22000 SEK |
Utropspris | 18 000-20 000 SEK |
LOCHMAIER MICHAEL (d. 1499). Parochial curatorum. / Prestantissim sacre theologie, necnon iuris pontific artium magistri, ac ecclesiae Patauiensis canonici d Michaelis Lochmaier parochial curatorum feliciter icipit. Hagenau, Heinrich Gran for Johannes Rynman, 20 August 1498.
Small 4to (195 x 142 mm.). A-B6, a-O8 p-s6.8 (A1r title, A1verso blank, A2recto table, a1 blank, a2r text, s8r colophon, s8v blank). 152 leaves. 34 lines and headline, double column. Section letters printed in the margins.
Title cut and with new margins, small hole to text, some soiling, text with some spotting and staining, mostly marginal, 2 leaves with some old notes and underlinings, 1 marginal paper loss.
Contemporary soft vellum with leather bands, the two on lower board damaged, worn and soiled, covers warped, old paper label to spine erased, a few holes, first free endpaper loose (with some pencil notes).
Engraved bookplate of Ad Bibliothecam Conventus Monacensis Ord: Erem S. P. Aug: (The letter S is erased due to damage). Inscription on title page: "xxxx Monacensem Or: Er: S.P. Aug. 1606 [Ordo Eremitarum S Augustini or Augustinian Order]. Inside of upper cover with a small modern book label from Lengertz Antikvariat, Malmö / Lund.
Third or fourth edition of this work on the rights and duties of pastors.
Lochmaier was a professor of canon law and theology in Vienna and a canon of the cathedral of Passau. He was active as a preacher in both cities. Heinrich Gran´s first signed book was dated 1489 and in 1497 he began printing for Johannes Rynman, a relationship which lasted until 1523.
HC 10169*, BMC III, 686 (IA. 13776), Goff L-268.