
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 9

Björnståhl´s Travels in Europe and Turkey

Björnståhl´s Travels in Europe and Turkey

Hogenberg 43 plates from Geschichtsblätter

Hogenberg 43 plates from Geschichtsblätter

Scheffer´s History of Lapland 1751

Scheffer´s History of Lapland 1751

Thomas´s war map of the Russo-Swedish war 1788

Thomas´s war map of the Russo-Swedish war 1788

Bergius Materia medica 1778 2 volymer

Bergius Materia medica 1778 2 volymer

Linnaeus´s Flora Lapponica 1792

Linnaeus´s Flora Lapponica 1792

Brev från drottning Desirée 1830

Brev från drottning Desirée 1830

18th century hymnal in manuscript

18th century hymnal in manuscript

Gastronomisk spegel med inkunabelblad

Gastronomisk spegel med inkunabelblad

Sanctum Iesu Christi evangelium 1529

Sanctum Iesu Christi evangelium 1529

Aspen: The magazine in a Box 1967

Aspen: The magazine in a Box 1967

Hyperion - German magazine from 1908-10

Hyperion - German magazine from 1908-10