
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 2

Histoire... Académie... inscriptions 35 vols.

Histoire... Académie... inscriptions 35 vols.

Bibliothèque Germanique by Lenfant 1720-26

Bibliothèque Germanique by Lenfant 1720-26

Journal des scavans 1687

Journal des scavans 1687

Karl Marx on Trade with China 1859

Karl Marx on Trade with China 1859

Karl Marx on English politics 1860

Karl Marx on English politics 1860

Karl Marx on China 1857

Karl Marx on China 1857

Marx on the British and Chinese treaty 1858

Marx on the British and Chinese treaty 1858

Karl Marx on the Arrow case

Karl Marx on the Arrow case

Marx on The new Chinese war 1859

Marx on The new Chinese war 1859

Moréri´s large historical dictionary 1681

Moréri´s large historical dictionary 1681

The Panoplist, important source on China 1806

The Panoplist, important source on China 1806

The Missionary Herald 1822-1849

The Missionary Herald 1822-1849