Buying at auction

Buying at auction is both easy and safe.
Search through all the fantastic items on our website, we receive hundreds of quality items to bid on daily.
To be able to bid and buy items at auction, you simply and free of charge register an account with Auctionet.
Below you will find a description of how the auction and the online auction work.
Hammer auction – how it works
Hammer auction means that the items are sold live in an auction room in front of an audience.
1. See the objects
All items sold at hammer auction are displayed both digitally on the website and physically in our beautiful premises at Nybrogatan 32 in Stockholm. Subscribe to our newsletter and you will receive information about when the catalogue has been published and the opening hours of our showings. The specialists are ready on site and digitally for further questions about the objects.
2. Auction
Until start of the auction, you can place advance bids online. After that, you can continue to participate in the auction as follows:
– Bidding live at Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm
– Telephone bids – registration is done to
– Live bidding online. At the start of the auction, as a logged-in customer, you can follow the auction and bid in real time online. You register an account with Auctionet easily and free of charge.
3. After the auction
After payment and during a specified period of time, you can pick up your item at Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm. We will then charge a late fee.
You can also order transport of your purchased item – read more here
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Online auction – how it works
Online auction means that the items are sold digitally and not in an auction room. It also includes themed auctions and special auctions
1. See objects
På webbsidan finns utförliga bilder och beskrivningar av föremålen. Men de går givetvis att se i verkligheten. Information om var de finns för display står på föremålets webbsida. Staben av experter står redo på plats och digitalt för vidare frågor om föremålen.
2. Create an account and bid
För att kunna lägga bud och köpa föremål på auktion registrerar du enkelt och kostnadsfritt ett konto hos Auctionet.
3. Payment and transport
Once you’ve won the bidding, choose one of our secure payment methods and pay for the item. You then pick up your item at the auction house or order transport.
Read more about transportation >>
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