Huutokauppa on päättynyt

Fine art huutokauppa

Books, maps and manuscripts
June 13


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Welcome to this spring’s Books, Maps & Manuscripts auction. Explore an auction filled with science, botanical works, old manuscripts and documents, rare maps, atlases and photographs.

Is there anything better on a warm early summer day than seeking a bit of coolness, some shade, and perhaps also some knowledge among rows of book spines? Stockholms Auktionsverk’s department for Books, Maps & Manuscripts is an oasis of cultural history where you can relax. Traditionally, the 350-year-old auction house—the oldest in the world—presents a delightfully comprehensive catalog between the bird cherry and lilac blooms. Over 250 carefully selected treasures are up for grabs, and among them are some particularly fine pieces worth mentioning here.

Four letters written by Albert Einstein are rich with scientific history and are likely to leave bidders worldwide breathless. From the realm of advanced science, there is also an astronomical compendium of the highest quality, brimming with an exceptional level of detail. For the eyes, the most pleasing might be Dru Drury’s “Illustrations of Natural History,” where each beetle and butterfly is a masterpiece in itself. A handwritten manuscript by Ingmar Bergman gives us a lesson in love, while another by Lars Norén provides a crystal-clear insight into the great poet’s writing process. And what exactly does that letter from Gustav III to Carl Gustav Tessin in 1752 say?

Among the bound delights are Gustav II Adolf’s field bible, Palmstruck’s massive work (completely intact) on Swedish botany, and Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon’s map work of Tibet. Add to this Charlie Chaplin’s autograph, ten lithographs by John Bauer—pleasantly heavy with the darkness and mystique of fairy forests—and a Grand Tour souvenir of the highest order, and you have a small sample of what is on offer.

Welcome to Stockholms Auktionsverk to discover these treasures for yourself!

Live auction – Thursday June 13, 1 pm at Nybrogatan 32.


Milloin on näyttö ja huutokauppa?

Catalogue online:

May 29


June 4 –10 at Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm

Opening hours:

Weekdays kl 10 am to 6 pm. Weekends 11 am to 4 pm.

Live Auction:

June 13 at 1 pm, Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm

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Maksun jälkeen voit noutaa esineen huutokauppakamarista tai tilata sinulle sopivan kuljetusratkaisun osoitteessa Huomioi, että perimme myöhästymismaksun mikäli tuotetta ei noudeta ajoissa.