Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 14

Manuscript table globe, late 19th c.

Manuscript table globe, late 19th c.

Newton´s New Terrestrial pocket globe 1818

Newton´s New Terrestrial pocket globe 1818

English terrestrial pocket globe c. 1860

English terrestrial pocket globe c. 1860

French manuscript atlas early 20th century

French manuscript atlas early 20th century

Large map of Antiqua by Luffman 1793

Large map of Antiqua by Luffman 1793

Poland - Silesia, Three maps from 18th century

Poland - Silesia, Three maps from 18th century

3 maps on Poland - Wroclaw, Glogau, Oels

3 maps on Poland - Wroclaw, Glogau, Oels

Three 18th c. maps on Silesia

Three 18th c. maps on Silesia

Campanella Prodromus philosphiae 1617

Campanella Prodromus philosphiae 1617

Sidonis Opera 1614

Sidonis Opera 1614

Gehenna Press Flosculi Sententiarum 1967

Gehenna Press Flosculi Sententiarum 1967

Fin svit KVAH handlingar 1739-1854 i 60 volymer

Fin svit KVAH handlingar 1739-1854 i 60 volymer

Kontakta en hemvärderare