Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter

Mercator - Hondius Atlas sive Cosmographicae 1632

Mercator - Hondius Atlas sive Cosmographicae 1632

Poltical caricature map

Poltical caricature map "Octopus map" in farsi

A pair of table globes by Cruchley c. 1860

A pair of table globes by Cruchley c. 1860

Berg Tellurium ca 1900

Berg Tellurium ca 1900

German pocket globe MPS c. 1850-60

German pocket globe MPS c. 1850-60

Newton terrestrial table globe 1840

Newton terrestrial table globe 1840

Double Hemisphere map of the surface of the moon

Double Hemisphere map of the surface of the moon

Delisle´s rare map Ingria et Carelia

Delisle´s rare map Ingria et Carelia

War map of Finland with St. Petersburg, 1742

War map of Finland with St. Petersburg, 1742

Manuscript table globe, late 19th c.

Manuscript table globe, late 19th c.

Newton´s New Terrestrial pocket globe 1818

Newton´s New Terrestrial pocket globe 1818

English terrestrial pocket globe c. 1860

English terrestrial pocket globe c. 1860

Kontakta en hemvärderare